Events organized by Adavnced Imaging_CTU.

17th January Zeiss seminar-Airy disk confocal and super resolution microscopy
22 January-25th January. Workshop and demo with Airy Disk suiper resolution microscopy
Learn about: Airy disk confocal microscopy; superresolution microiscopy; fast live image acqusition
Speaker-Moderator: Dr. Ben Ridder and Dr. Mark Montgomery
Workshop-demo: bring your samples to learn about the system
Company: Zeiss UK

Awards for best talk and poster presentaion:
- Tamsin O'Reilly, Queen's University Belfast, UK. Thermally driven domains in BaTiO3: an in-situ study.
- Heba Sailem, University of Oxford, UK. Advanced image analysis for phenotyping vascular networks
- Tiarnan Mullarkey, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Enabling the Use of Low Flyback Times in the STEM via Fast-scan Flyback Correction
- Frances Quigley, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Predicting the performance of low voltage imaging of 2D materials

Vutara XXL single molecule localization microscopy

Learn about: image analysis; virtual reality image analysis
Seminar: Dr. Delisa Garcia
Company:ARIVIS- Virtual reality image analysis

Learn about: Superresolution microscopy; spinning disk confocal microscopy; fast live imaging acqusition; imaged processing; deconvolution.
Demo-Workshop: bring your samples to learn more about the superresolution microscopy
System: Olympus spinning disk confocal IXPLORE SPIN SR
Company: Mason Technology and Olympus

17th May 2019
Learn about: live cultured cell imaging in the incubator and on fly image analysis
Company: Sartorious

Learn about: Optoacoustic imaging
Company : iThera-medical
Organized in collaboration with : Dr. Wafa Al-Jamal from the School of Pharmacy

8th April 2019-11th April 2019
Learn about: superresolution microscopy; spinning disk confocal; fast live imaging acqusition
Workshop demo: bring your sample to learn how the system works
Speaker: Dr. Katherine Lewis and Dr. Rowan Orme.
System: Nikon Ti2 CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk confocal
Company: Nikon Instruments UK

16th - 19th October 2018
Seminar and demo workshop
Learn about: Spinning disk confocal microscopy ; superresolution microscopy; fast live imaging acqausition
Workshop-demo with Dragonfly system: use the system with real sample to know how the system works.
Speaker: Dr. Andy Hubbard
System: Dragonfly spinning disk confocal and superresolution
Company: ANDOR

Seminar: 29th January 2019
Automated biological tissue processing for transmission electron microscopy and sample preparations.
Learn about: sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy
Speaker : Gareth Jackson , Nanothechnology Division, Leica Microsystems UK

7th November 2017 - 13th December 2017
Learn about: STED -Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy ; Nanoresolution microscopy
Workshop Demo: get trained to use the instrument with your samples
Speaker: Dr. Janina Hanne
Company: Abberior Instruments GmbH

14-15 August 2017
ONI Nanoimager Seminar and Workshop organized in collaboartion with Dr. Gunnar Schroder.
Learn about: PALM (Photo Activated Localized Microscopy) , dSTORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) nanoresolution microscopy. The resolution of those techniques is 20nm.
Seminar and Workshop-Demo
Workshop-demo with NANOIMAGER using real samples
Speaker: Dr. Michael Senior
Company: ONI -Oxford Nano Imager

7-11 August 2017
Zeiss PALM is a Microbeam laser technology for contact-free and uncontaimated single cells -specimen collection.
Seminar and Demo workshop
Learn about : Microbeam laser technology to collect single cell to be used for DNA, RNA analysis
Speaker-Demo: Dr.Monika Stich
Workshop demo: use your sample to learn how the system works.
System: Zeiss PALM MicroBeam
Company: ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe