10X Genomics and illumina launch grant programme
10X Genomics and illumina are sponsoring a Grant Program for Innovative Investigators at Queen's University Belfast.

We are pleased to announce a pilot award in collaboration with 10X Genomics and illumina to provide library preparation for 10x genomics scATAC, scCNV and scRNAseq as well as Illumina sequencing reagents. The Queen’s University Belfast Core Laboratory is offering a unique opportunity to support innovative pilot research projects using 10X Genomics Chromium Controller.
The support covers library preparation and sequencing reagents for up to 4 samples and data analysis. The program aims to support up to 3 pilot projects around Belfast. Applications will be reviewed within two weeks of submission deadline.
The goal of this program is to support Belfast researchers as they seek to generate pilot data to submit in support of future grant applications, and to promote the utilization of cutting-edge solutions from 10X Genomics for genomic and translational research.
1. Applicants must hold primary research positions and must be planning to submit a grant application to support a broader research aim for which they need pilot data.
2. Applicants may not hold current awards directly related to the proposed research.
3. Young investigators are strongly encouraged to apply.
Please submit your abstract of one page or less to
chadia.toukoki@10xgenomics.com by June 1st 2019 to be considered for the program.