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Christina Kelly

School of Planning
Queen's University Belfast
Christina is a Research Fellow from Ireland. Currently, she is the lead researcher working on the EPA funded 'Sustainable and Holistic management of Irish Ports' (SHIP) project. The aim of SHIP is to devise recommendations for port sustainability in Irish ports based on in-depth stakeholder engagement. Christina previously worked on the Interreg funded ‘Maritime, Ocean Sector and Ecosystem Sustainability' (MOSES) project. Her work on MOSES involved developing best practice in port and shipping governance, coastal transition management, marine and coastal planning and stakeholder participation. Christina has a BSc in Environmental Planning (QUB), Postgraduate Diploma in Town and Country Planning (QUB), a MSc in Environmental Systems (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology) and a PhD in Environmental Planning (QUB). Her doctoral research (2017) funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Irish Government, investigated the integrated management of Irish estuaries and coasts and the development of a coastal transition pathway towards sustainability. Christina was subsequently commissioned by the Irish EPA research to develop a guidance manual for Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management in Ireland. In addition to her research experience, Christina initially worked as an Environmental Planner in Ireland and Australia for 7 years and then as a Marine Spatial Planner in Ireland and Scotland for 3 years. Her research has been published in leading international, peer-reviewed journals including Marine Policy, Planning Theory & Practice and Ocean and Coastal Management. Christina has presented her work at numerous national and international conferences and participates in an international research network specific to coastal transitions. She has also been an invited reviewer for the journals Marine Policy, Ecological Indicators, Global Ecology and Conservation, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, and Journal of Environmental Management. 

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