Grahame Smith
Liverpool John Moores University
Contribution to WP 3

I am mental health nursing academic, a reader (associate professor) in mental health and innovation lead (Faculty of Health role). In addition, I am the founder and centre lead for the centre for collaborative innovation in dementia, an accredited health living lab - European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). I currently support the work of the North West Coast Clinical Research Network (NIHR) as a Research Speciality Lead in Dementia. I continue to practice, research and publish within the mental health nursing field, my specific interests include living well with dementia, user-centric innovation (health), and mental health ethics.
Since 2012 I have worked in partnership with both national and international partners on a number of research-to-innovation projects, helping to secure over £20 million of funding. During the delivery of these projects I have produced over eighty research-to-innovation outputs. As a methodological pragmatist I have used a number of research methodologies within a living lab context, participatory action research being the main methodological approach.