Shay Mullineaux
Queen's University Belfast
Mostly contributing to Work Package 4.

My research focuses on the synergisms that occur between various aspects of the environment and how they lead to complex outcomes. Specifically, how the natural and anthropogenic aspects of the environment combine and affect the health of living organisms. My research has focused on spatial ecology and health outcomes in animals, healthy aging in humans as part of the SPACE project, and now in Groundswell focuses on how the transformation of green and blue spaces facilitates health outcomes and reductions in non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Specifically, within Groundswell I work mostly within Work Package 4 conducting data cleaning, data linkage, and a variety of data analyses. More broadly, my work falls within the areas of environmental change, environmental ecotoxicology, spatial ecology, and public health, seeking to address environmental problems, and seek solutions for environmental management and policy.