Reach ‘24, a new arts and sustainability festival launched by Queen’s University Belfast
Prof Ruth Hunter spoke at the "Connecting With/As Nature" event as part of Reach '24

Reach ‘24, a new arts and sustainability festival, was launched by Queen’s University Belfast in collaboration SDSN Ireland. The first year of the festival showcased a range of projects, practice-based work and community engagement projects from across Ireland. “Connecting with/as Nature” was an event which took place on Sat 20th April, which showcased artwork created in “Connecting with Nature” workshops, supported by GroundsWell, which saw dozens of participants take to the green outdoors with easels. Prof Ruth Hunter and Dr Amanda Slevin spoke at the event, alongside artist and Ulster University lecturer Dan Shipsides, on the importance with connecting with nature for public and planetary health.
An example of the work showcased