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Videos and Podcasts

Accessible Video Content

When including video and/or audio content on your site, you are required by law to ensure they meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards.  This means ensuring you are providing closed captions/subtitles and transcripts where required.

If your video has audio content, captions are required.  This is a requirement for both pre-recorded and live video content.

  • For pre-recorded videos, captions are required in WCAG at Level A.
  • For live videos, captions are required in WCAG at Level AA.

You need to include closed captions/subtitles on any video with spoken dialogue. Therefore, in any video when someone is talking, subtitles should display what is said.

What are closed captions?

Closed captions are a text version of the spoken part of a video. Captions are called 'closed' captions because they are hidden, until they are opened by the viewer from a menu to view.  It is the same as choosing to turn subtitles on when viewing a TV programme. On your website, the user can choose to turn captions on when viewing your video.

Example of Closed Captions displayed on a YouTube video:

A still from a Queen's University YouTube video showing closed captions being displayed.

Adding Captions using Youtube

Youtube auto includes captions for videos you upload.  You can choose to either leave the auto captions as they are or edit the auto captions to make them more accurate.  It is recommended that you manually refine the auto captions. Youtube shows you how to add and edit captions using its online guidance.

Google Chrome Captions

One of the latest features in Google Chrome is that anyone can enable live captions on videos and audio played through the Chrome browser. Learn how to use live captions in Chrome

Live Captions in MS Teams

MS Teams offers a live captioning facility. Learn how to turn on live captioning for Teams meetings. Captions in live meetings are not saved so if you want a transcript of the meeting, don't forget to turn on transcription also.


Accessible Audio Content

Audio content typically means a podcast you are including on your site. WCAG 2.1 regulations require all audio content published to the web to be supported by text equivalents. This means all audio podcasts require a transcript.

What is a transcript?

A transcript is a text based translation of the audio content of a video or podcast.  This should also include notes on who is speaking if there are multiple presenters. It can be presented either as an accompanying accessible pdf or form part of the text of the web page itself.

Advice on Podcasts

Please contact the Mediasite team for advice on how to create Podcasts using the Mediasite platform and how to create a transcript of your recording.


You do not need to fix pre-recorded audio and video published before 23 September 2020:

Further Reading and Resources